Technical Assistant


Born in 1986. Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture at Kogakuin University. With extensive practical experience in architecture and information technology, she has been working as a freelancer since 2012. She has organized exhibitions, public relations activities, hardware competitions, hackathons, and workshops, and has played a key role in establishing and supporting consortia.

Works at the Secretariat of the Architectural Informatics Society since 2020. Additionally, since April 2024, as a Technical Assistant at the Ishizawa Laboratory, where she researches HCI and Human Augmentation technologies and explores interdisciplinary areas.


1986.12 Born in Tokyo, Japan
2009.03 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Architecture at Kogakuin University
2012.02 – Present: Freelance Designer and Event Consultant/Organizer
2020.09 – Present: Works at the Secretariat of the Architectural Informatics Society
2024.04 – Present: Technical Assistant, Ishizawa Lab, Department of Human and Social Systems, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo