We are pleased to inform you that Project Professor Toyoda is scheduled to give a special lecture at the “Information Processing Society of Japan Conference”.
イベント名:情報処理学会大会 特別講演「万有知能化の世紀へー実世界に行きわたる人工知能」の一環、「都市空間の知能化」に西尾信彦先生と三宅陽一郎さんとの鼎談
Event Information
Event name: Trilogy talk with Prof. Nobuhiko Nishio and Yoichiro Miyake on “Intelligent Urban Space” as part of the special lecture “Toward a Century of Universal Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence in the Real World” at the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Annual Conference
Date: Thursday, March 13
Place: Ibaraki Campus, Ritsumeikan University